There's a little farm in the small rural community of Springfield, Tasmania, Australia, where I was first introduced to the potency of local food. It was probably my first breaths, or my first tip toes in the grass outside the log cabin my parents built, on their modest strawberry farm. Even though my family left behind that farm after 13 years, shortly after I was born, the stories were as vivid as ever growing up with my three older siblings. I can't really blame them for idealizing summer afternoons at the beach selling strawberry sundaes from my parents van. So, in an effort to introduce myself to this Vermont food blogging community, I'll show you my original farm home via a few images of my first visit with my Dad back to where I was born. I am confident that the farms Vermont Farm Tours shares with it's visitors are just as rich in family and personal lore, as 1 Log Cabin Rd. will always be on the other side of the world.